Monday, July 26, 2010

Persona 3 Portable, part 1

I say part 1 up there, and I mean it. I'm 15 game days away from the last boss of the game, which means I can basically go beat him whenever I want because the last month of the game is pretty uneventful S. Link-wise because I have maxed out most of the ones that would be available at this time. Oh - if you're worried, I won't be spoiling any story elements here in the blog.

This will not be a completely maxed S. Link playthrough, although I'm fairly proud of how things have gone so far. I might be able to max Aeon and Magician, depending on their availability during this month, but even if I don't get either I'll still be satisfied. So far, I've maxed out these S. Links:


So thirteen total maxed S. Links, only three of which are story related. Ten maxed S. Links is definitely a personal best for me in any Persona game, so that's good. I'm thinking for my next playthrough, I'm going to use a guide and max them all. Next, I'm going to play through as the dude. And I'm going to be a Genius right off the bat, due to the Academics/Charm/Courage stats carrying over into NG+.

Which means, Mitsuru, that you and I will be banging so hard. Or, you know, whatever happens during her S. Link events.

So! I've grinded my MC up to level 80, and plan on grinding at least a little more before I go on and beat the game. This means that I've earned quite a bit of money, which means I can afford to fuse a ton of Personae and re-purchase them as needed. So I've gotten some interesting Personae I've never gotten before, such as Satan, Scathach, Attis, Mara (I got Mara in P4 but the giant penis guy seems to be much stronger in P3), and a really sweet Abaddon (which produced 4 Tomes of the Void for me - which grants whoever equips them Null All Status Effects - very useful for the last boss!).

I'm going to try to fuse even more crazy Personae, but I worry I'll run out of patience. The enemies at the very tip top of Tartarus are all afraid of me because I'm such a high level, thus they don't give me much experience when I fight them so it'll take forever to level up. But man... some of those high-level Personae look so cool! I'll try my best, anyway.

I wonder if the ending for the girl will be any different compared to the guy's. I guess we'll find out soon enough...

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