Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mario's spaceship is shaped like his face... What hubris. (part 2)

So I'm 55 stars into Super Mario Galaxy 2. Really enjoying it so far, still! We'll start this post off with my only complaint thus far:

The Bulb Berry powerup for Yoshi is no damn fun. It illuminates a circle around you, allowing you to see and step on invisible platforms - the catch is, these platforms only "exist" when you can see them, and the Bulb Berry's powers go away after a short time. It does so by gradually shrinking down the viewing area until it gets to none. I can see where the cleverness in design comes in with this powerup, but I'm hoping they don't use it much because I hate the levels.

As for what is good, I've really enjoyed the boss battles so far as well - there has not been much in the way of a retreading of ideas from Super Mario Galaxy 1, either, which I'm pretty impressed with. They've mostly been using the new powerups to create new boss battles, so that's good.

Another element that has returned are the Comet challenges from the first game. I've done mostly Speed Run levels, which were my favorite type of challenge from the first game, but I've also encountered one or two Daredevil Challenges (which are just regular levels, but with Mario only able to take one hit before death). These haven't been so bad, thus far, although I was lucky on the boss battle I fought. I almost got hit right near the very end, but dodged his foot somehow. Who knows! I was glad I did.

The levels continue to be amazing, as well. I just played through a level where everything is huge like in Mario 3, and it was great! Some of the levels have the same music as levels have had in the past, but I guess four worlds in I can't be surprised. And you know, whatever; it's all really good music, anyway.

That's all for now. I've noticed a few posts on Gamespite about the game where people complain about something called "green star mode" or somesuch, but I haven't reached there yet. Hopefully it's not a bunch of crap, because this game has been pure joy thus far.

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