Monday, July 5, 2010

Mario's spaceship is shaped like his face... what hubris. (part 3)

Just got to the sixth world in Super Mario Galaxy 2, and I'm at a nice even 90 stars so I figured it'd be a good time to post.

The last boss battle against Bowser Jr. was epic, if I may say such a thing. You have your Cloud Mario powerup, while Bowser Jr. is in this like six story tall tank that you have to climb by riding clouds (that you make!) up these wind drafts and then leap, if you can, to the tank and butt-stomp it. You have to do this twice, then all of a sudden the tank gets higher and sprouts wheels! You then have to chase the thing around while being like 150 feet in the air, while trying to score that final butt-stomp.

It felt so awesome when I did. The game doesn't then mess around, knowing how awesome that sequence was, and it just tosses Bowser Jr. the fuck off the screen with nary a word. You then collect the Grand Star and move on.

When I entered the sixth world, I encountered a level about three stars in where you have to use Rock Mario to roll your way over jumps and whatnot to a star at the very end.

I died like twelve times. Yet, I was not frustrated (even when the stupid "you suck at this game" fairy showed up - I, of course, ignored her, knowing I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let the computer get the star for me). That part, though tough, was fun as hell.

Here comes some fanboy gushing. Forgive me for this... But Nintendo knows how to make some goddamn video games. The amount of polish that went into both Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 show how fucking awesome they are at making good, playable games. Not only does Super Mario Galaxy 2 look great, but it plays even better. This game does not feel stale at all - and I played through Super Mario Galaxy last summer, so it's still fairly fresh in my mind. You'd think it would be only slightly iterative, but it is a completely new game. I am fucking thrilled to be playing it and am happy I was able to start it during a big lull in workdays (thank you America's birthday!).

The last time I was this addicted to a game was when I was playing through Devil Survivor, and you know what happened with that. I know it was only a few months ago, but before that it was Persona 3 and 4 last year. As much as I enjoyed New Super Mario Bros. Wii, this may even top it - so far. Hard to say, having heard the endgame can kinda suck. We'll see, as I'm getting there soon, I'd say...

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