Monday, April 14, 2008

Question: Subspace Emissary? Answer: Letdown

The Adventure mode in Super Smash Bros. Melee was entertaining, even awesome the first time you play through it. It contained multiple side-scrolling levels designed around actual games that the stars of Melee were in, such as the Mushroom Kingdom level or the F-Zero race. Playing through all of these various homages to games as, say, Link from Zelda or (my favorite) Sheik, while beating the crap out of Goombas, ReDeads, and other assorted Nintendo enemies was pretty sweet and fairly satisfying.

Which is why Super Smash Bros. Brawl's "Subspace Emissary" mode is so much of a letdown. First of all (and this is the worst offender), the levels, other than just a few exceptions (literally like two or three exceptions) are all generic and are not throwbacks to various levels found in old Nintendo games like Star Fox or Pokemon, or anything like that. (I realize there are levels designed around this for battling in multiplayer, but those don't count - again, this is about the one player mode) HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! Why would Nintendo (or Sakurai, or whoever) design generic, stupid levels? I understand they need to have new design to support Smash's gameplay, but for Christsakes, use graphics from the old games (whether ripped right from them or redone)! Why did I have to play through Generic Desert Level as Ike from Fire Emblem? What was the fucking point? The whole point of Smash Bros. is to bring back waves of nostalgia while fighting, and they missed that completely with generic level designs that have very little, if any, resemblance to the old games.

And that brings me to my next point. Why are the enemy designs generic as well? Why are they weird, stupid little puppet-looking things that aren't culled from any previous Nintendo game? Now, there are a few levels with Goombas and Koopas, but not many, and that is it. Why can't I fight against the Eggplant Wizards from Kid Icarus? Where are the enemies from Donkey Kong Country? As mentioned above, bring back the ReDeads! How about fighting against Kirby enemies (besides the one King DeDeDe can throw)?

I even have complaints about some of the bosses. It's really cool that Ridley is in there - but twice? In a Metroid game, that's perfectly acceptable, but since this is Smash Bros, there should have been fights from other games. How about fighting Twinrova from Ocarina of Time? Or, perhaps something from Twilight Princess? Instead, we get two Ridley fights, Rayquaza, a stupid big Piranha Plant from Mario, and a bunch of stupid generic, boring bosses. Nintendo has had some truly epic bosses in their games - why waste all of their potential? And really, that's what Subspace Emissary ended up being - a goddamn waste. I doubt I'll ever play it again unless I have to play it to get trophies I missed. (Stupid fucking boss trophies.)

(Click here for Brawl Thoughts #2)
(Click here for Brawl Thoughts #1)

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