Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Tale, Completed

I finished Tales of the Abyss tonight with a game clock of 35 hours and some change.

I must say, I really enjoyed the majority of the game. If I had the time to really delve in to the subsystems and minigames and sidequests, I'm sure I would like the game a lot more. However, I have Devil Survivor 2 sitting right here next to me and that cannot be ignored for too long.

I rather enjoyed the story of Abyss, though. There was quite a bit of weird techno-babble, but my mind always replaced "fon" and "fonic" with magic, at which point everything makes sense (sort of). There were some aspects of the story which were strange or confusing, but I feel like the overall tale of most of the characters was compelling (aside from a certain betrayal that is forgiven by the main cast WAY too easily). I did miss the characters being complete dicks to each other throughout the game, although Jade did stay his normal jerk self the whole time, so that was refreshing. The motivation of the main enemy still seems a bit oddly thought out to me, but I'm sure I missed something somewhere (especially since for most of the last ten hours, I couldn't be bothered to sit through the skits).

As an aside, I don't understand why the skits don't let you skip through the text faster. I can skip voiced dialogue during the main game by pressing a button because I can see the text, but why can't I skip through the skit stuff? I would have watched every skit had I been able to just read through it at my own pace. They also tended to pack like three skits back-to-back-to-back right after a plot point, so you had to sit there for minutes at a time as text would just scroll by with no input from you whatsoever. Also, none of the skits are voiced, so any sort of pacing the game would have from preventing you from skipping through the text faster is lost anyway.

But I digress. I ended up getting some cool Fonic Artes by the end of the game, and had quite a bit of fun during battles. The last battle was pretty dumb, though, because the boss could basically kill everyone in one hit if he so decided. I'm sure I was underleveled a bit, but I decided I didn't feel like grinding so I just cheesed my way through the battle with strategic item use. I probably would have ground had the enemies in the last dungeon given me more than a THOUSAND EXP PER BATTLE! That was ridiculous since a few dungeons ago I was getting near two thousand. That sort of crap drives me nuts. It's like training in Pokemon all over again.

Overall, though, I would say the game is worth a playthrough, if only to see how well-written the characters are, especially near the beginning. I don't know if I could recommend the PS2 game since apparently there's some pretty bad load times, but the 3DS version was fun. I don't know if I'm ready for a Tales game again so soon, but now I'm thinking of picking up Tales of Graces f and maybe looking into picking up Vesperia at some point.

Anyway, Devil Survivor 2 awaits. Hee-ho!

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