Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday, Majora's Mask!

Ten years ago today, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was released in America. This marked the peak of the Zelda series, which has been declining since then: Wind Waker was pretty great, Minish Cap was okay, Four Swords Adventures was also okay, Twilight Princess was alright, and Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks have pretty much sucked. Here's hoping Skyward Sword bucks the trend.

Anyway, I bought Majora's Mask on Virtual Console today, to both mark the occasion and play what is largely considered to be the best version of the game. Apparently, it runs smoother on Wii than on the N64 (which I'm told all N64 VC games do), doesn't contain the musical glitches in the Gamecube port, and, you know, is right there on my Wii whenever I feel like playing it.

It's also Majora's Mask. Nintendo can have my ten bucks, because I will buy this game over and over again because it's my favorite game ever.

So I played through to the beginning of the first temple today, and had a blast. This is, I believe, my fourth playthrough of the game, and I attempted to do as much as I could during that first three day period; sadly, the most I could accomplish was getting 200 rupees and unlocking the Big Wallet. Which is neat! I usually get the Moon's Tear, get on the Deku Flower, and then just sit at the entrance to the Clock Tower until the festival starts. So at least I kept busy.

The atmosphere in the game is still so great. I've gone to great lengths before as to why I love Majora's Mask, so I won't post here unless it's something I didn't touch on in my previous article.

Also, the PS2 came out ten years ago today, too. Which, I guess, overall, is a bigger deal than Majora's Mask. But not to me.

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